We need to prioritize social connect and responsibilities in order to improve our mental health, reduce stress and loneliness, create a sense of belonging, and support social justice and environmental initiatives. Social connect allows us to build strong relationships while upholding our civic duties. Additionally, by engaging in responsible social behavior’s, we can contribute to a more sustainable and equitable society.
Social responsibility is a component of economic and social sustainability that influences the quality of life of communities. Therefore, people must be the starting point, as they participate in solving the problems of society.

In this process, the universities have a fundamental role because in them there is a relationship between academia and reality and they are agents of social change. Consequently, it is a reflection of the curricula and substantive functions of universities (research, projection and extension).

From this perspective, the objective of the study is to measure the level of social responsibility and commitment of the main actor of the educational process that is the student. It is recommended that social responsibility permeates the entire curriculum and that academic programs offer subjects and courses that involve social, scientific and cultural activities in which students participate. Consequently, projects and activities that lead to sensitivity should be encouraged in academic programs and classes to strengthen skills such as leadership, creativity, tolerance, responsibility and self-esteem

AIM: City’s culinary practices , food lore and indigenous materials of the region used in cooking. To visit a restaurant in the city and to create awareness in the city and to create awareness in the staff of restaurant about hygiene in hotel promise.


On 21st Dec 2022 as a part of SCR Activity we visited a nearby restaurant named ‘SAROVAR’.
The aim of the activity was to create awareness among the
Restaurant staff about cleanliness and hygiene. The measure taken to maintain the same were discussed with the staff .We also asked several questions to them about their daily costumer services . The kitchen of the restaurant was also visited and it was found in good condition .
Additionally our group of members provided the hotel staff with gloves , caps and hand sanitizers ,encouraging them to use it .It is a good experience for all of us.


AIM: Plantation of a tree that will be adopted for four years by a group of students .They will also make an except either as a documentary describing the origin . Plantation of a tree in convenient area and adopting the same.

On 9th January 2023 ,as a part of SCR activity we visited a nearby area in our college campus and planted a mango plant.
Origin : Mangoes originated in India over 4000 years ago and are considered a sacred fruit .
Scientific name : Mangifera Indica
Family : Anacardiacea.
Folklore : The mango has been the symbol of love ,pleasure and auspiciousness to Indians .In Hindu mythology , love arrives with the blossoming of the mango tree , Kama ,the god of love ,tips his arrows with five flowers , one of them the mango blossom.

The aim of this activity is to plant more trees .Trees help to clean the air we breathe . They play a key role in capturing rainwater and reducing the risk of natural disasters like floods and landslides . A single tree can be home to hundred of species .
Tree plantation drives combat many environmental issues like deforestation ,erosion of soil ,global warming and hence enhance the balance of environment .Therefore , this activity taught us to save the endangered environment and that are a valuable gifts of nature.


AIM: Knowing the present in the surrounding villages and implementation in the campus .To visit any one of the lake or check dam to know about rain water harvest.

On 18th January 2023 , as a part of SCR activity we visited a lake in our hometown called ‘KUNDAVADA KERE’.

Kundavada lake located in Davanagere is one of the major attractions of this place .The lake is a source of water supply to the people of the city .The length of the lake is 5.15 km .A lot of people are found to be relaxing ,in the early mornings and it is also an apt place to watch the sunrise and sunset.

The architecture of this lake was first deigned by the Civil Engineering Department of our college B.I.E.T in the supervision of the Principal , H B Aravind sir . Sprawling over an area of around 253 areas , the tank is presently used to store water in the summer season.

Conclusion for water Conservation:

Kundavada Kere is an essential water source for the local farmers, and its sustainability is critical for the surrounding ecosystem. The current practices in the surrounding villages have resulted in soil degradation and water pollution. The implementation of sustainable practices in the campus, such as organic farming techniques and proper waste management practices, can promote sustainable agriculture and reduce water pollution. By promoting sustainable practices in Kundavada Kere, we can ensure its long-term sustainability and preserve the surrounding ecosystem.


AIM: Usefulness of organic farming wet waste management in neighbouring villages and implementation in the campus .
To visit any of neighbour village farm to know about organic farming.

On 23rd January 2023, we visited Taralabalu Krushi Vigyan Kendra, LIC colony ,BIET road , Davanagere for the demonstration of organic farming and waste management . TKVK was established on 2005 ,by Indian council of Agricultural Research(ICAR) New Delhi .The mission of this council is the farmer-centric growth in agricultural and allied sectors through application of appropriate technologies.

Organic farming is an agricultural system that uses ecologically based pest controls and biological fertilizers derived largely from animal and plant wastes and nitrogen firing cover crops.
A seminar is done on organic farming and its need .
The following points were highlighted :
1.Environment friendly
2.Promote sustainable development
3.Generate income
4.Organic farming is more labour intensive
5.High nutritional values
Hence , it generates more employment .


AIM: Heritage tour , knowing the history and culture of the city, connecting to people around through their history , knowing the city and its craftsman , photoblog and documentary on evolution and practice of various craft forms .

On 28th February 2023 , we visited Hampi as a part of the SCR activity for Heritage Walk . Hampi is an ancient village in the south Indian state of Karnataka . Its dotted with numerous ruined templed complexes from the Vijayanagara Empire .

The first site visited in Hampi was Anjaneya Hill. This hill is believed to be the birthplace of Hanuman . At the top of the hill is the temple dedicated for Hanuman . You can easily spot this hill from a distance as the temple at the hilltop is whitewashed and a white trail of steps zigzagging all the way to the top . The temple is of high importance to the worshipers of Lord Rama and Hanuman . The view from the hilltop is marvellous . All around in the horizons are the rugged rocky mountains and at one side is the mighty Tungabhadra river . It was a naturally secluded strategically important location for a capital city .

The next site we visited was Virupaksha Temple . It is a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva . The temple has a shrine or the holy A place of worship, a hall with a number of pillars and 3 antechambers. There are courtyards, a pillared monastery, few small shrines; and entrance ways surrounding the temple.

Renowned Vijayanagara King, Krishnadevaraya was a contributor of the temple. It is believed that the main pillared hall which is the most adorned structure of this temple is his addition. There is a stone
slab beside the hall which has inscriptions that explain his offerings for the temple. Surrounding the Virupaksha temple are plenty of dilapidated mandapams. There was an ancient shopping centre
interlined with mandapams in front of this temple. The ruins of it stand today.

The next site we visited was Vithala Temple .  Vitthala Temple in Hampi is an ancient monument that is well-known for its exceptional architecture and unmatched craftsmanship. It is considered to be one
of the largest and the most famous structure in Hampi. The temple is located in the north eastern part of Hampi, near the banks of the Tungabhadra River. The iconic temple has amazing stone structures
such as the incomparable stone chariot and the fascinating musical pillars. This predominant monument of Hampi is a major attraction of the ruined town and is a must-see for visitors and tourists.

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